Applications have closed for the 2024-25 conference. Be on the lookout for updates in Fall 2025!
Speaker content guidelines:
All talks should comply with TEDx Content Guidelines and Copyright Guidelines.
If a talk does not follow the Content Guidelines or Copyright Guidelines, organizers have the discretion to withhold the talk. They must inform both TED staff and the speaker(s) that they have made this decision, along with their reasoning.
If a talk does not follow the Content Guidelines or Copyright Guidelines and the organizer chooses to upload the talk, TEDx reserves the right to add an editorial flag describing how the talk falls outside the guidelines or to decline its publication.
No bad science:
TED and TEDx are platforms for showcasing and explaining genuine advances in science that are backed by research.
Scientific claims by speakers should be based on data that has survived scrutiny by experts in the field. Speakers should be transparent about the basis for any factual claims, and the scientific evidence for them.
The consequences of pseudoscience can be especially severe, and speakers should not misuse scientific language to make unsubstantiated claims.
Talks are thoughtful, not divisive:
No talks with an inflammatory political or religious agenda, nor polarizing “us vs them” language.
We seek to build consensus and provide outside-the-box thinking, not to revisit familiar, unresolvable disputes on these topics.
No commercial agenda:
Speakers cannot promote their own products, books, or businesses, or those of a company which employs them. Talks can only feature technology, product demos, or books that inform an idea presented in a talk.
Every talk's content must be in compliance with copyright law.
Speakers must inform you beforehand of any third-party material that will be used in their presentations and seek written permissions to copyrighted materials when applicable.
TED cannot assist with this process nor act as a consultant on individual cases. Use these Copyright Guidelines to help you understand how to ensure the speaker clears everything with permission before they record their talk.
Please note that if you are worried about unintentionally violating one of the aforementioned requirements, the TEDxNorthwesternU Speaker Curation team is committed to ensuring that all of our speakers comply with TEDx guidelines.
With that being said, we hope to see you apply and share ideas worth sharing.
For questions, please contact